Wednesday, September 24, 2008

green growth

Today I came across the news that scientist have used bacteria to produce plastic in the lab. A similar test was run in 2004 using bacteria to convert toxins into usable plastic. This is a fascinating example of Green technology in action.

This sort of high-tech application of ecological principles shows how going Green is potentially the biggest growth industry for the future. The room for advancement, and thus return on investment, is enormous. Even perennial Globalist, Thomas Friedman, is now championing Green technology as "the kind of thing that can drive our technological foundation to a whole new level." It's this kind of innovation that will help rebuild our economy and create solutions to the problems facing us today.


Steve Savage said...

Good post. I agree with you excitement about green technology. Many of the great ideas don't pan out, but some definitely will. Ironically, the thing that would maintain investment in these would be a certainty that oil prices will not get "low" again.

Green News said...

Thank you. I'm always excited when I see you have a new article up. I'd been a way a while and just caught up.