Monday, September 15, 2008

chinatown in the sky

Today I stumbled on this amazing design by the Chinese firm MAD Architects over at Inhabitat:

It's a floating building! Both Inhabitat and MAD are unclear on exactly how the thing works but I imagine it's filled with helium like a giant Zeppelin. The habitable part would be a small percentage of the total volume. The firm's website describes it as "a mobile Chinatown" and claims it would be completely self-sustaining and a model of Green architecture. It reminds me a bit of Superman's Fortress of Solitude. The architects envision these things traveling the world as a sort of ambassador of Chinese culture. Sure would be interesting to see it made.


Justin Lockwood said...

Wow, that's freaky... it is a little like Superman's Fortress. I wonder if it will actually get made. It'll be interesting to see!

ryan said...

it's ideas such as this that make me wish i was a child: so that i could be around when they come to fruition; the true "jetsons" living is approaching and i may not be alive to enjoy it!